Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Cattleyas! How Fertilizing Helped it to Bloom

Not too long ago, there was a dash of really wet weather followed by a spiel of dastardly hot, bright days. It was terrible for human bodies, so many sick colleagues down with a malady of sniffles and aches. Thank goodness for the controlled comfort of the office!

The Cattleyas along the corridor however, seemed to love it and decided to bloom big. This corridor receives late afternoon sun from 3-6pm. Of course the bit of regular fertilizing helped. I have to admit I'm as lazy as they come when it comes to gardening but the first buds which likely resulted from a weekend's whim of gardening and fertilizing spurred me to do more and it really did pay off! I am still no diligent gardener, but I suppose if you want to see the babies with a spot of colour, just gotta do it.

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