Sunday, 4 March 2007

Hoya obscura (orange)

Have had a thing for Hoyas since... Oh, I don't know... Especially love the cutsie, furry, button look of the H.obscura. Have only been able to get a faint saccharine scent, and the nectar problem is well... not a problem. This one is orange and it doesn't flower as generously as my red obscura. At least that's what I think the red one is... Can't be sure. Hoyas have always been a bit tricky for me. I will post photos of my red obscura when the current buds open up. So when I finally saw one tiny little umbel with like a sad 20-ish stars, you can guess how elated I was anyway! Initially, I thought perhaps I wasn't putting it in the right location, that's why it doesn't bloom as much as I'd like it to, but even after I moved it up to a sunny spot, still the same and what's worse is the leaves yellowed more! But at least it flowered. Don't know if I'm killing it but yes, it flowered. Finally opened up yesterday and if you live around my neighbourhood, that loud ruckus in the afternoon... It was me. teehee...

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